The start of a new school year is always a bit awkward for both parents and children. There is a wide-range of emotions to manage, especially for those families who are starting school for the first time. Whatever it may be, rest assure, the staff at ESC Region 19 Head Start is here to help parents and children ease these emotions.
This year the program will introduce a new curriculum that focuses on the quality of children’s early learning experiences and the direct effect these experiences may have on their feelings, behavior, and their ability to relate to others.
“Teaching them (children) to manage their feelings, behaviors and follow rules and routines is imperative for their school readiness and success,” said Mental Health and Disabilities Program Manager Karina Hernandez. “The new curriculum that preschool teachers will be implementing is designed to equip children with the tools needed to improve their emotional well-being.”
The goal of the curriculum is to help support families build strong, positive relationships with their children. Parents are encouraged to learn and practice these curriculum techniques at home. Centers will be implementing this learning approach three times a week.
“We are kick-starting the ‘Feeling Buddies’ curriculum from the Conscious Discipline classroom management program. In the classroom, teachers create a self-regulatory center – Safe Place. This safe place is designed to help children who are going through emotional distress,” Hernandez said. “Through a five step process and with their Buddy, children learn how to identify and self-regulate their emotions.”
Hernandez further explained the curriculums parental component. “The curriculum teaches adults simple techniques to calm down their children by comforting, holding, and teaching them to take deep breaths. Parents also are taught how to handle situations by identifying and naming emotions,” said Hernandez. “Through the curriculum parents can show their children how to best express their emotions by demonstrating. Parents role model how to get along with others, make friends, and follow simple rules.”
Feel Buddies Tip:
Get your child excited to start preschool. Show them that making friends is something to look forward to. Make their first day of school a happy experience by doing the little things that make them smile.
The day before the first day of school:
- ─Cook a special breakfast
- ─Tell them what to expect (make friends, etc...)
- ─Surprise them with a special treat