If you were traveling on Kenworthy Street the first week of September 27, you may have seen Work Zone Willy, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) mascot.
Work Zone Willy made a special visit just in time for the new school year, to remind the traveling public to slow down and pay attention when driving, but especially at construction zones.
As El Paso continues to grow, that means drivers can expect to drive through more active TxDOT work zones at any given time. Work Zone Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
“Schools are back in session and we want to remind drivers to be extra cautious near and at school zones, as well as to be aware of school bus safety,” said Transportation Program Manager Antonio Holguin. “Construction is happening everywhere. The safety of our students is our priority, and we need the help of our public to keep our children and school zones safe.”
According to the TxDOT website, the leading causes of work zone crashes statewide – speeding and driver inattention – are entirely preventable. Very similar to the most common causes of vehicle crashes in school zones, also entirely preventable: 1) failure to control speed, 2) driver inattention and 3) failure to yield the right – public driver.
“We need to teach our children to obey designated safety areas. And parents, please drop off and pick up your children in the school’s designated areas,” said Holguin. “We need everyone to respect traffic signs, speed limits and vey importantly, let us work together with our school bus drivers and center staff to ensure our children, families and schools are safe.”
Work Zone Willy’s first stop was at the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) El Paso County, and will make his way from the Far East side to the West side and back home to Alpine, TX.