John E. Uxer II Head Start Center

John E. Uxer II

Head Start Preschool

John E. Uxer II


A Letter From The Center Manager
Carta del Manejador  

Welcome, parents to John E. Uxer II Head Start!

It is our pleasure to serve you and your family this 2024-2025 school year! Our center, originally called Northeast Head Start Center in 1988, began with just two classrooms and expanded to nine. Named after Dr. John E. Uxer, the first Executive Director for ESC Region 19, it was surrounded by desert with no paved roads or traffic lights. Today, our campus has expanded to include four John E. Uxer Head Start and Early Head Start centers, and other facilities, but we still have the same magnificent view of the Franklin Mountains!

John E. Uxer II Head Start currently has ten classrooms serving 159 children and families. Our community has deep roots in Northeast El Paso, with several staff members who were former Head Start parents and many current parents who were once students here. We are excited to continue this journey with you and your child, offering innovative learning approaches. We are proud to be your partner in this educational adventure at John E. Uxer II Head Start.

¡Bienvenidos padres a John E. Uxer II Head Start!

¡Es un placer para nosotros servirle a usted y a su familia este año escolar 2024-2025!  Nuestro centro, originalmente llamado Northeast Head Start Center en 1988, comenzó con solo dos salones de clase y se expandió a nueve. Nombrado en honor al Dr. John E. Uxer, el primer director ejecutivo de ESC Región 19, el centro se localizaba en una zona desértica sin caminos pavimentados ni semáforos. Hoy en día, nuestro campus se ha expandido a cuatro centros con el nombre de John E. Uxer Head Start y Early Head Start; ¡sin embargo, aún conservamos la magnífica vista de las montañas Franklin!

John E. Uxer II Head Start cuenta actualmente con diez salones de clase que sirven a 159 niños y sus familias. Nuestra comunidad ha establecido raíces profundas en el noreste de El Paso, con varios miembros del personal que fueron padres de Head Start y muchos padres actuales que alguna vez fueron estudiantes en este centro. Nos complace continuar este viaje con usted y su hijo, enfocándonos en el aprendizaje innovador. Estamos orgullosos de ser su socio en esta aventura educativa en John E. Uxer II Head Start.

Center Information

Center Manager: 
  Linda Navarro

Assistant Center Manager: 
  Beatriz Menier

Phone: (915) 790-4702 
Fax: (915) 757-6628

9776 Kenworthy
El Paso, Texas 79924

About Us

John E. Uxer II Head Start is located on El Paso’s Northeast side within the El Paso Independent School District and is just ten minutes from Fort Bliss and Biggs Army Airfield.

The center opened in 1993 and serves children ages 3-5 years. 

Registration Information

Now Registering Children
  * Enrollment Information

  * Online Pre-Application

February Lunch Menus


Staff Directory