Clint Head Start Center


Head Start Preschool & Early Head Start



A Letter From The Center Manager
Carta del Manejador  

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year

Dear parents,
On behalf of all the staff at Clint Head Start/Clint Early Head Start, we would like to welcome you and your child to the 2024-2025 school year. We are very excited that you have chosen us to be a part of your child’s education. We look forward to all the learning that will take place in our classrooms. We will do our best to provide the highest quality experience for your child and your family, and we are committed to meeting all your expectations. Our doors are always open, and we welcome you to our center.

Clint Head Start/Clint Early Head Start Staff

Estimados padres,
En nombre del personal de Clint Head Start/Clint Early Head Start, queremos darles la bienvenida a usted y a su hijo al año escolar 2024-2025. Es un honor que nos haya elegido para ser parte de la educación de su hijo. Esperamos ansiosamente el poder implementar todo el aprendizaje que se llevará a cabo en nuestros salones de clases. Haremos todo lo posible para brindar una experiencia de la más alta calidad para su hijo y su familia, y estamos comprometidos a cumplir con todas sus expectativas. Nuestras puertas están siempre abiertas, y le damos la bienvenida a nuestro centro.

Center Information

Center Manager: 
    Marina Ceniceros

Phone: (915) 791-4822 
Fax: (915) 851-2305

13100 Alameda, Bldg E.
Clint, Texas 79836

About Us

Clint Head Start is located in Clint, Texas within the Clint Independent School District.

The center opened August 21, 2013 and serves children ages 3-4 years, and Early Head Start infants and toddlers ages 0-36 months.

Services for expectant mothers are offered as well.

Registration Information

Now Registering Children
  * Enrollment Information

  * Online Pre-Application

February Lunch Menus


Staff Directory