Fathers and Grandfathers participated in the “Real Men Read” event as part of the Family Leadership and Development Program’s Fatherhood initiative to encourage positive male leadership and involvement in the family and classrooms.
Head Start fathers and grandfathers read to the children and lead classroom activities.
There were many inspirational moments throughout the day including a Head Start grandfather reading in his grandson’s classroom who explained to the children how he read stories to his own son and now to his grandson.
Children listened in awe as a Head Start father and Fort Bliss Soldier told how reading opened up the world to them.
Assistant Center Manager, Margarita Astorga expressed her excitement over the day’s events, “We had such a positive response from the fathers and especially the children!” said Astorga. “We definitely are seeing an impact here because the majority of our children come from single-parent families led by the mother. So events like this may be their only exposure to a positive father figure.”
Research consistently shows the inarguable benefits to a child’s overall development with the strong presence of positive male role models in their lives.
If you would like to be a part of “Real men Read” or other Head Start Fatherhood and Parent leadership events, contact your child’s Head Start center to get involved!